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Beautiful landscape with different types of flowers and trees with perfectly green grass

Frequently asked

Who will work on my landscape?
The only people who will work on your landscape are Croatan Landscaping Co. employees. Our team members have experience and horticultural backgrounds and we will all be familiar with your landscape needs.
What kind of landscaping do you do?
We can do all kinds of landscaping, but our specialty is in completely renovating flower beds and properties mixing non-native and native plants to make a landscape that meets your needs and fits the ecology of our area.
Are you insured and licensed?
We have all necessary licenses for our area, and we carry insurance for all of our projects. Some larger construction projects require special licenses and certifications. We have trusted members of the landscaping community that we work with for those special cases.
Do you use eco friendly products?
We always use products that protect your flower beds and grass. If you have pets or other requests we make sure to protect pets by using safe chemicals.
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